La Brianza del Cavallo Rosso - Villa Filippini

"La Brianza del Cavallo Rosso" is a literary itinerary created around the writer Eugenio Corti's life, from Besana Brianza, and around his novel "Il Cavallo Rosso".

The itinerary is divided into 12 stages and it spreads around the heart of Brianza. It starts from theCavallo Rosso Space, at Villa Greppi in Monticello Brianza, where visitors can discover the author and his project.

Then, one can continue through the fields of Besanelle, a place described at the beginning of the novel, and the center of Besana Brianza: the Madonnina del Rosario, located near Corti's family villa, the square of the village, the train station, which was the setting of the arrivals and departures of many characters of the book. Another stop in Besana Brianza is, obviously, Villa Filippini, where the second Space of Cavallo Rosso is situated, inside the library of the village. 

After that the visitor discover the house which hosted don Carlo Gnocchi, an author's friend, in Renate, the structure where there was the Casina Odosa, described by Corti, the factory on the shores of Lambro river in Giussano and Nova Milanese, where Michele Tintori, a character of the novel, lived. 


Thanks to Sergio Mozzanica and Associazione Brianze for the photos.